2023-24 Business Start-Up and Seed Fund Mentoring Programme

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Please note, applications for the 2023-2024 Business Start-Up Seed Fund & Mentoring Programme are now closed. If you wish to be added to a waitlist please email LMP@causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk


Are you interested in starting your own business? Are you unemployed, economically inactive, or underemployed and live in Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council area? You may be eligible for our new programme of support!


The Business Start-Up Seed Fund & Mentoring Programme is being supported by the Department for Communities through the Causeway Coast and Glens Labour Market Partnership to assist people who are not working or are underemployed to start a new business.

In addition to a bursary of up to £1,000 applicants will also be able to access advice, training, mentoring and support. You will also be signposted to other free programmes of support available in the area. 


Programme Stages:

Stage 1: Expression of interest and initial assessment

Stage 2: Pre-Application mentoring and support

Stage 3: Development of financial forecasts (delivered by our partners)

Stage 4: Application to the Seed Fund (support available if required)

Stage 5: Start-up mentoring and support (if awarded the Seed Fund)

Stage 6: Ongoing mentoring and training (accessed via other programmes and support)


To be eligible for the programme:

  • Your primary residence must be in the Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council area
  • You must be aged over 18
  • You must be eligible to work in the UK
  • You must not be currently working, self-employed or in full-time education (we may consider your application if you are underemployed, or at risk of redundancy or contract coming to an end)
  • Your application must be for a new business (not currently trading)
  • You must be genuinely looking to start a business or become self-employed
  • You must have a genuine need for funding


The Seed Fund application is a competitive process. Entry to the programme does not guarantee a Seed Fund grant award.

You will be required to have fit for purpose financial forecasts that demonstrates the viability of the business. During your application to the Seed Fund you will also be asked for more information on your business. This will include details on what items you need funding for, your previous skills and experience, and also what your priorities will be in the first 3 months to get started.  

Instructions and guidance notes for the Seed Fund will be issued to all programme participants in advance of their application.


For more information or to request a paper form:

Email: LMP@causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk

Phone: 028 7034 7034 and ask for the Labour Market Partnership.


Please note, the information you share will be passed onto our delivery partner who provide Business Start Up Support for Council and other public sector programmes. If you do not wish for this information to be shared with our delivery partner please do not apply.

Further information about your rights, how long information is held for, or how to contact the Data Protection Officer can be found here.