Managing your online presence

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VisitCausewayCoastandGlens is the dedicated tourism website for Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council area. 

Did you know that your listing on DiscoverNI also features on VisitCausewayCoastandGlens? This means it is extremely important that your listing on DiscoverNI is correct, up-to-date and engaging. If you are not already on Discover Northern Ireland, see Getting your business listed on Discover Northern Ireland or download the guide at the bottom of this page. To enhance your entry Tourism NI also have a section on Getting the most from your photography.


Social & digital marketing

Watch out for our Digital Marketing Opportunities e zine - normally scheduled for the 3rd Wednesday of the month and at other times to call for offers or linked to specific or seasonal campaigns. Take part in our planned campaigns by responding to calls for offers, promotions or other information, think about how you can promote your business in relation to big and small events happening in your area, tell us about events or experiences that you are running or submit a request for free Facebook marketing of your promotions or offers. Keep up to date with the latest news on promotions, campaigns, training, funding and other opportunities –  if you are not already on our Tourism and Digital Opportunities mailing list, you can sign up here.

Share your video content with us for a chance to be featured in our Instagram and Facebook Reels! Just check that your footage complies with our full criteria and submission details.

Free Digital Marketing Opportunities

With over 83,000 followers across our social platforms we are offering you a FREE opportunity to market your business and share your promotions and special offers to our audience. 
All you have to do is complete this promotional opportunity form with your details, details of the offer or promotion you’d like us to market and upload or email us the accompanying images and videos and we'll do the rest. 

Also, don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, and tag @VisitCauseway and use #VisitCauseway and/or #visitcausewaycoastandglens in all your posts as it makes it easier for us to pick it up and share on our channels. You can also use #DiscoverNI and #EmbraceAGiantSpirit. Feel free to share our posts or link to our web pages and share on your channels and with your audience too.


Facts & Figures

  • Our Facebook page has 53,000+ followers and the figure is growing every day
  • We have over 10,800 followers on @VisitCauseway Twitter
  • We have 3,600 followers on @CCAGTourismTeam Twitter
  • We have 22,000+ followers on Instagram
  • There are approx 250,000 visits to annually

How to get listed on Discover Northern Ireland