Part B, Annual Progress Report 2022-23

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PART B - Section 49A of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (as amended) and Disability Action Plans


1. Number of action measures for this reporting period that have been:

16     Fully achieved

4       Partially achieved

1       Not achieved



2. Please outline below details on all actions that have been fully achieved in the reporting period.

2 (a)

Please highlight what public life measures have been achieved to encourage disabled people to participate in public life at National, Regional and Local levels:

Level:  National[iii]

Public Life Action Measures:  N/A

Outputs  --

Outcomes / Impact[ii] --


Level:  Regional[iv]

Public Life Action Measures:  DFI guidance on licensing of Pavement Cafes 

Outputs    Regionally: Café pavements must adhere to regulations which mitigate barriers to individuals with disabilities 

Outcomes / Impact[ii]  Locally: Pavement café licence applications are open to consultation prior to the granting of a licence.  Members of the Equality Forum worked with the licensing team to co-design the way this information is provided to, and feedback received from citizens within our borough.


Level:  Local[v]

Public Life Action Measures: Equality Forum continued to be used as a consultative and representative forum within Causeway Coast and Glens.  

Outputs:  Wide range of S75 groups represented on Equality Forum including a range of groups representing those with particular disabilities.

Outcomes / Impact[ii]:  Representatives from local Disability Groups both co-created and were consulted on major policy and infrastructure projects. (E.g. Area Redevelopments).  Due to successful initiatives group membership has expanded.


Public Life Action Measures: A working group to improve access to services for people with Autism.

Outputs:  The working group which included Elected representatives commissioned a service improvement Action plan. 

Outcomes / Impact[ii]:  An action plan was devised following consultation with individuals with lived-experience, their representatives and health service statutory partners, both regionally and locally prior to its review and adoption by Council.


Public Life Action Measures: People with a disability were supported to attend and fully engage in Council matters.

Outputs:  Involvement of a wide range of local disability groups in consultation initiatives and forward planning.

​Outcomes / Impact[ii]:  Representatives feedback into decisions, initiatives and policies. 



Public Life Action Measures: Improve accessibility for individuals with a disability to participate in physical activity initiatives, access sport and improve well-being.

Outputs:  Inclusive programmes were facilitated for individuals with a disability.  Specialist exercise programmes were provided. 

​Outcomes / Impact[ii]:  People with a disability were able to participate, exercise and socialise.





What training action measures were achieved in this reporting period?


Training Action Measures:  Induction Training Sessions  

Outputs:  Quarterly induction training sessions for all new employees of Council.  These sessions include a section on equality, diversity and good relations. 

Outcome / Impact:  New employees are aware of the legislative requirements relating to equality and good relations and they now have the basic skills and knowledge on which to build their awareness of equality and good relations issues.


Training Action Measures:  Training Sessions for staff on:  Disability Awareness, Customer Services, Health & Wellbeing for Staff 

Outputs:  Training for relevant staff on a range of equality and disability issues. 

Outcome / Impact:  Employees of Council have greater awareness of equality and disability issues affecting people with specific disabilities.  Promotion of positive attitudes towards people with a disability.  



Training Action Measures:  Awareness raising training for staff and elected members

Outputs:  Monthly awareness emails to all staff and elected members

Outcome / Impact:  Promotion of positive attitudes towards disabled people through acknowledging the contribution of people with a disability.



Training Action Measures:  Members training programme

Outputs:  Members training programme delivered 

Outcome / Impact:  This will develop the capacity of members to ensure awareness of legal obligations in relation to employment and service delivery. 






What Positive attitudes action measures in the area of Communications were achieved in this reporting period?



Communications Action Measures:  Improve accessibility for individuals with a disability to access information about all Council Services 

Outputs:  Easy Read was identified as important communication tool 

Outcome / Impact:  6 new Easy Read documents were developed.  Feedback supported Councils ambition to become more inclusive.



Communications Action Measures:  Attendance of Diversity Champion at training and networking events.

Outputs:  Training and networking events for Disability Champions arranged by the Local Government Staff Commission 

Outcome / Impact:  Greater awareness and knowledge of issues facing people with disabilities and development of positive attitudes to people with a disability.  Sharing of equality and diversity information between elected representatives and Councils. 



Communications Action Measures:  Improve disability awareness of staff via e-briefings, newsletters, staff meetings, emails, intranet and internet.

Outputs:  Provision of an awareness programme for staff continued in 2022 - 2023.  Disability related topics were highlighted to staff. 

Outcome / Impact:  There was an emphasis on Makaton throughout the reporting period and staff were educated on the Makaton language through weekly Makaton signs and action.  This has improved accessible communication used by staff and elected representatives.








2 (d)
What action measures were achieved to ‘encourage others’ to promote the two duties:


Encourage others Action Measures:  Improve disability awareness via information and links on the Council website

Outputs:  Articles by the Diversity Champion provided via social media.  Specific information provided on the website.

Outcome / Impact:  Information provided to Citizens via the website and social media will raise awareness and acceptance.



Encourage others Action Measures:  Encouraging consultation and asking people to feed into Councils decision making process 

Outputs:  Advertisement via social media and relevant roadshows to encourage others to take part in our consultation exercises. 

Outcome / Impact:  New individuals joined the consultation list.  New individuals/representatives joined the equality forum.






2 (e)
Please outline any additional action measures that were fully achieved other than those listed in the tables above:


Action Measures fully implemented (other than Training and specific public life measures):  Screening of new and revised policies for impact on the Disability Duties.

Outputs:  Screening process included consideration of the Disability Duties.

Outcomes / Impact:  Improved awareness of the Council’s obligations under the Disability Duties and inclusion in policy development work within Council.



Action Measures fully implemented (other than Training and specific public life measures):  Advice provided to disabled Councillors and staff on reasonable adjustments.

Outputs:  Practical actions and advice available on reasonable adjustments.

Outcomes / Impact:  Improved participation in the workplace by Councillors and staff with a disability.



Action Measures fully implemented (other than Training and specific public life measures):  Appropriate risk assessments conducted for individual needs.

Outputs:  Conduct risk assessments when necessary for Councillors and staff in relation to disability issues.

Outcomes / Impact:  Improved work environments and participation in the workplace by Councillors and staff with a disability.



Action Measures fully implemented (other than Training and specific public life measures):  2 additional changing places mobile changing units were commissioned.

Outputs:  2 units are available for events and placement in various areas without suitable facilities 

Outcomes / Impact:  2 units were configured and will begin operation in June 2023



Action Measures fully implemented (other than Training and specific public life measures):  Review of the recruitment process to identify adjustments for applicants with learning difficulties. 

Outputs:  Adjustments have been identified 

Outcomes / Impact:  Adjustments are planned for implementation.





Please outline what action measures have been partly achieved as follows:


Action Measures partly achieved:  Every Customer Counts Initiative progressed 

Milestones/ Outputs:  Not all facilities have been audited

Outcomes/Impacts:  Facilities suitable for all customers’ needs/requirements

Reasons not fully achieved:  Audits have been planned over a longer period than the review


Action Measures partly achieved:  Extension of JAM Card roll out.

Milestones/ Outputs:  Increase the number of retailers who take up the initiative

Outcomes/Impacts:  Improved support for disabled people when engaging with retailers

Reasons not fully achieved:  Due to the pandemic extended roll out was coupled with the Autism Action Plan and scheduled for the 23/24 reporting period


Action Measures partly achieved:  To improve information for people with disabilities

Milestones/ Outputs:  Development of virtual information on the Leisure App detailing accessible leisure provisions in the 4 centres.  Improved information for individuals with Autism.

Outcomes/Impacts:  There has been improved information regarding facilities and accessible equipment/services available.  However, there are plans to extend the provision further.

Reasons not fully achieved:  The provision previously determined has been extended and actions have been set over the next 2 reporting periods.



Action Measures partly achieved:  Review the role of organisational Diversity champions.

Milestones/ Outputs:  Amend the role to best practice champions would share information in a forum setting

Outcomes/Impacts:  Improved promotion of equality and embedding of equality matters.

Reasons not fully achieved:  Feedback from staff suggested a central on-line medium which supports the sharing of best practice.  In this forum all staff are considered champions with experiences that can be shared.  







Please outline what action measures have not been achieved and the reasons why.


Action Measures not met:  Improve Learning Disability Awareness of staff via training.

Reasons:  Autism NI have been commissioned to deliver this training, however due to a backlog of face-to-face training resulting from the pandemic, this training could not be delivered until April 2023.






What monitoring tools have been put in place to evaluate the degree to which actions have been effective / develop new opportunities for action?

(a) Qualitative

Review of substance of relevant Complaints/Comments
Feedback from service users
Review of the Disability Action Plan

(b) Quantitative

Number of complaints received regarding accessibility and disability related issues.
Number of requests for specific services received, eg interpretation services, information in alternative formats, etc
Number of training sessions provided and attendance at same
Audits undertaken as part of the “Every Customer Counts” initiative and number of actions in Action Plans delivered.



As a result of monitoring progress against actions has your organisation either:

made any revisions to your plan during the reporting period or
taken any additional steps to meet the disability duties which were not outlined in your original disability action plan / any other changes?



If yes please outline below:






Do you intend to make any further revisions to your plan in light of your organisation’s annual review of the plan?  If so, please outline proposed changes?

No; the Disability Action Plan was fully reviewed in 2020/21 following the completion of an Audit of Inequalities and the continued adoption of the Every Customer Counts initiative and associated action plans.



Outputs – defined as act of producing, amount of something produced over a period, processes undertaken to implement the action measure e.g. Undertook 10 training sessions with 100 people at customer service level.

[ii] Outcome / Impact – what specifically and tangibly has changed in making progress towards the duties? What impact can directly be attributed to taking this action? Indicate the results of undertaking this action e.g.  Evaluation indicating a tangible shift in attitudes before and after training.

[iii] National : Situations where people can influence policy at a high impact level e.g. Public Appointments

[iv] Regional: Situations where people can influence policy decision making at a middle impact level

[v] Local : Situations where people can influence policy decision making at lower impact level e.g. one off consultations, local fora.