Council Consultations

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Consultations provide you with an opportunity to have your say on plans, strategies and policies the Council are proposing. They help the Council find out what you think and to understand your priorities and concerns about your Council and the Borough in general.  Documents and issues that are currently being consulted on are provided below - please click on the link to the relevant document. 


Current Consultations:


Consultation on the addendum to the Waste Management Plan 

Have Your Say

Council is seeking your views on the Draft Addendum to the NWRWMG Waste Management Plan.

This consultation closes at 5.00pm on Monday 21st October 2024

If you need the public survey in a paper version, alternative formats or if you require any further information or support please contact the 


Read more and have your say!


New Coleraine Leisure Centre

Have Your Say?

Council is currently considering concept designs for a new, modern and fit for purpose leisure centre on the existing site at Railway Road
In order to identify funding of over £22m for this exciting new facility a business case is being developed
This is the first step to prior to developing a detailed design and planning application over the next year
Public consultation will continue to be integral to this process with further updates to follow
The options under consideration include: 
large gym and studio space with the latest training equipment
25m swimming pool, learner pool and leisure water for wet play
soft leisure play area, modern changing facilities and café for relaxing
The site is also suitable for future extension of hall space to the rear of the development should the need arise

Click through to survey and documentation for Coleraine Leisure Centre

Further Information on Closed Consultations:


The Public Memorials Policy framework and Proposed Ballycastle Leisure Facilities consultations are now closed.   Thanks to everyone who took part in these consultations, your comments and feedback are being reviewed. 

Final EQIA on the proposed policy on the flying of the Union flag (Web page)

Equality Action Plan Consultation Summary of responses

Age Strategy and Action Plan summary of responses