
Easy Read alternatives high on agenda as Council strives to ensure equality for all

Easy Read alternatives high on agenda as Council strives to ensure equality for all

Mon, October 23, 2023

A recent progress report has highlighted the ways in which Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council has introduced Easy Read options to its literature and reports.

Council recently made public its ‘Annual Progress Report 2022-23: Public Authority Statutory Equality and Good Relations Duties’, showing the ways in which improvements have been made under Section 75 of the NI Act 1998, as detailed in our Equality Scheme.

With an emphasis on communication, Council has increased the number of Easy Read documents developed and available for members of the public during 2022-23.

Easy Read is a way of presenting written information in an easier format to understand, it can therefore be helpful to people with a range of conditions or backgrounds which may impact how a person will process information for example learning difficulties, dyslexia, individuals who have recovered from strokes, individuals whose first language is not English etc. Providing Easy Read options is important as it helps explain content in a simple, more easily understood manner.

The Mayor, Councillor Steven Callaghan welcomed the improvements, saying: “It is important for Council to provide Easy Read options so that everyone is included within the Borough.

“Our Easy Read literature has increased communication with those who require documents to be available in an easier to read format.”

“I welcome this, and indeed all the changes implemented under section 75 of the NI Act 1998 and know we will continue to work hard to deliver our responsibilities under this legislation.”

Council’s current suite of easy read documents can be accessed here

An easy read version of this news story can be accessed here: