Equality Screening - Household Recycling Centres Accessibility

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S75 Equality And Good Relations Screening Form


General Information: Service

This is an existing service.

Operational Area: Operations, Environmental Services

Title: Review of accessibility for users of Household Recycling Centres 

Brief Summary:

Following resident feedback Council intends to review the accessibility of its current set up and service provision at Household Recycling Centres.

What is it trying to achieve? (intended aims and outcomes)

To identify and remove or provide relevant mitigation of current barriers to access. 


Who owns and who implements each element of the function, service, policy, procedure, project, strategy, plan or guidance?

The operations section own and implement all elements of the operating of Household Recycling Centres across the borough.


Other policies etc. which have a bearing on this function, service, policy, procedure, project, strategy, plan or guidance?


Strategies and Procedures:

• Operations business plan current.
• Current Household Recycling Centre operating procedures.
• Councils Equality Scheme.
• Equality Action Plan.
• Councils Corporate Strategy.
• Councils Community Plan.


• Northern Ireland Act 1998 (Section 75).
• The Health and Safety at Work (Northern Ireland) Order 1978.
• The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (DDA), and amendments by the Disability Discrimination (Northern Ireland) Order 2006.



Available Evidence

Evidence to help inform the screening process may take many forms.  Public authorities should ensure that their screening decision is informed by relevant data.
What evidence/information (both qualitative and quantitative have you gathered to inform this function, service, policy, procedure, project, strategy, plan or guidance?  Specify details for relevant Section 75 categories.

It is proposed that all Section 75 categories will be considered via:

• Quantitative evidence has been sourced via the NI Census in 2021 and the Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey 2020. 

Results from the Councils 2024 Citizens Survey highlighted that refuse collection was the most important service to citizens.  This factor along with increased levels in fly tipping within the borough are reasons why it’s important that our Household recycling centres are suitable to all.  In the same survey some people stated that the service at household recycling centres didn’t always meet their needs for various reasons. 

Other feedback mechanisms also highlighted barriers for individuals with disabilities.

As a result, of the above feedback it was decided that an accessibility survey was the best approach to identify key improvements.  


Section 75 Category
Details of Evidence/Information:

• The Census statistics in 2021 collated by NISRA statistics detailed the usual resident population of Causeway Coast & Glens Local Government District to be 141,746 accounting for 7.45% of the N.I. total.     Statistical information with regards to the Districts makeup and individuals therein was also reviewed.

• Council does not hold information on household recycling centre users under the Section 75 headings.  

A survey which asks these questions will support the identification of needs related to those specific and multiple groupings.



Religious Beliefs 

The 2021 Census outlined:

Religion / religion brought up in:    
Census 2021                                               CC&G Borough Council            Northern Ireland
Roman Catholic                                             40.12%                                      45.70%
Protestant & Other Christian
(including Christian related)                           51.17%                                     43.48%

Other Religions                                                0.78%                                       1.50%
None/Not stated                                               7.94%                                       9.32%

District Electoral
Area 2014 Label             Catholic               Protestant and Other                         Other religions        No religion/
                                                          Christian (including Christian related)                                    religion not stated 
Ballymoney                       7,159                  13,170                                                 157                          4,033
Bann                                 5,815                    9,005                                                 105                          2,610
Benbradagh                    12,254                    4,048                                                  42                           1,474
Causeway                         4,258                  14,636                                                248                           5,400
Coleraine                           5,128                 12,674                                                 270                          5,553
Limavady                           7,313                    6,740                                                  68                          2,109
The Glens                        11,374                    3,964                                                  71                          2,068

In terms of religion or religion brought up in the 2021 Census indicates that our resident’s religious beliefs are comparable to those in Northern Ireland in that there are 2 predominant groupings i.e. Roman Catholic and Protestant.  However, we also have a number of individuals (7.94%) who do not practice a specific religion or who do not wish to be grouped into a specific religion.  In addition, we have a small number of individuals who practice other religions.

Religion is not a factor in service provision and those providing the service are generally unaware of the religious background of any user.  To date there is no evidence to show either a detriment or benefit within this Section 75 category.

However, a consultation process will support the identification of any currently unidentified impacts.

Political Opinion

At the last local elections (2023) in Causeway Coast and Glens Councillor seats were deemed as follows:
                                                                         Councillors total 
Democratic Unionist Party (DUP)                              13
Sinn Féin                                                                   12
Alliance Party                                                              5
Ulster Unionist Party (UUP)                                        4
Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP)             3
Traditional Unionist Voice                                           2
Other                                                                          1

Voting by District Electoral Area

                      Alliance    Democratic    Progressive Unionist    Sinn Féin    Social Democratic   Traditional Unionist   Ulster Unionist
                                        Unionist              Party of NI                                    & Labour Party               Voice

Ballymoney          1                     2                                                   2                                                          1                           1
Bann                                           2                                                   2                                                                                       1
Benbradagh                                1                                                   3                            1
Causeway            2                     3                                                                                                               1                           1
Coleraine             1                     2                    1                             1                                                                                       1
Limavady             1                     2                                                   1                            1
The Glens                                   1                                                   3                            1

In Northern Ireland religion, political opinion and national identity tend to be interlinked and therefore what impacts one of these Section 75 categories can also have a similar impact on the others.

The household recycling centres are placed around the borough and provide a service to all.

However, a consultation process will support the identification of any currently unidentified impacts.


Racial Group

On Census Day 21 March 2021 the resident population was:  
Census 2021                           CC&G Borough Council             Northern Ireland
White                                             98.55%                                    96.55%
Irish Traveller                                   0.03%                                     0.14%
Roma                                               0.01%                                     0.08%
Indian                                               0.15%                                     0.52%
Chinese                                            0.22%                                     0.50%
Filipino                                              0.10%                                     0.23%
Pakistani                                           0.03%                                     0.08%
Arab                                                  0.03%                                     0.10%
Other Asian                                       0.10%                                     0.28%
Black African                                     0.12%                                     0.42%
Black Other                                       0.04%                                     0.16%
Mixed                                                0.51%                                     0.76%
Other ethnicities                                0.11%                                     0.19%

The 2021 Census detailed 98.55% of our population is white, with 1.45% from an ethnic background. The largest minority ethnic groups in Causeway Coast and Glens are the Chinese (0.22%), Indian (0.15%) and Filipino (0.10%). The proportion of ethnic groups from a non-white background has increased in Causeway Coast and Glens over the last 10 years by 0.95% slightly increasing the diversity in our population.

As a result, the survey can be offered in alternative languages to ensure everyone has the opportunity to have their say and provide suggestions for improvement.

The survey will be publicised on the Councils website which supports translation into various languages for the 2% of our population noted below.

Main Language
Census 2021                               CC&G Borough Council
English                                                         98%
Other languages                                            2%

The survey will be provided in Easy Read and people can receive a paper copy which can be taken away for later completion.
To date there is no evidence to show either a detriment or benefit to any specific group within this Section 75 category.
However, a consultation process will support the identification of any currently unidentified impacts.



(NISRA Census 2021 – Table MS-A02) 
Census 2021          CC&G Borough Council     Northern Ireland
15-19 years                   8,326 (5.87%)              113,203 (5.95%)
20-24 years                   7,873 (5.55%)              111,386 (5.85%)
25-29 years                   7,713 (5.44%)              116,409 (6.12%)
30-34 years                   8,460 (5.97%)              126,050 (6.62%)
35-39 years                   8,528 (6.02%)              127,313 (6.69%)
40-44 years                   8,513 (6.01%)              122,163 (6.42%)
45-49 years                   9,322 (6.58%)               121,670 (6.39%)
50-54 years                 10,412 (7.35%)               130,967 (6.88%)
55-59 years                 10,150 (7.16%)               129,276 (6.79%)
60-64 years                   9,171 (6.47%)               113,049 (5.94%)
65-69 years                   7,769 (5.48%)                 93,464 (4.91%)
70-74 years                   6,990 (4.93%)                 83,467 (4.39%)
75-79 years                   5,659 (3.99%)                 66,377 (3.49%)
80-84 years                   3,718 (2.62%)                 43,776 (2.30%)
85-89 years                   2,126 (1.50%)                 25,879 (1.36%)
90+ years                      1,051 (0.74%)                 13,512 (0.71%)
TOTAL Population        141,745                           1,903,174


District Electoral Area 2014          Aged 17+
Ballymoney                                   19,212
Bann                                             13,687
Benbradagh                                  13,531
Causeway                                     20,268
Coleraine                                      18,928
Limavady                                      12,988
The Glens                                     13,794

The above statistics relate to those of 17 years of age plus as the majority of people attend household recycling centres by car.

Statistics in the tables above highlight an ageing population.  It is acknowledged that in conjunction with dependants and disability different age groups may generate more household waste.  Help will be provided upon request.

As a result, the survey has been designed in large print and easy read as standard.  The advert for the survey will be placed in various formats to suit preferences which can be linked to various age groups e.g. younger people tend to prefer electronic options and older people tend to prefer written paper options.

To date there is evidence to show this group may suffer a detriment when using the site due to high reach areas and the requirement of the individual to ask for help.

A consultation process will support the identification of any currently unknown impacts.


Marital Status

Marital status by former legacy Council area (most recent figures available from Census 2021):

Marital and civil partnership status MS-A30: Census 2021        CC&G Borough Council      Northern Ireland
Single (never married or never registered a civil partnership)        40,720 (35.67%)             576,708 (38.07%)
Married                                                                                            54,576 (47.81%)             690,509 (45.59%)
In a civil partnership                                                                             155 (0.14%)                   2,742 (0.18%)
Separated (but still legally married or still legally
in a civil partnership)                                                                         3,795 (3.32%)                 57,272 (3.78%)
Divorced or formerly in a civil partnership which is
now legally dissolved                                                                        7,258 (6.36%)                 91,128 (6.02%)
Widowed or surviving partner from a civil partnership                      7,655 (6.71%)                 96,384 (6.36%)
All usual residents aged 16 and over                                                  114,159                             1,514,743

District Electoral Area 2014

                      Single - never married    Married or in     Separated -but still legally    Divorced or formerly     Widowed or surviving   
                        or never registered          a civil                 married or still legally in    in a civil partnership        partner from a civil 
​                         a civil partnership         partnership              a civil partnership         which is now legally              partnership

Ballymoney            6,673                         9,641                          643                                 1,241                             1,341
Bann                      4,405                         7,563                          420                                    666                                884
Benbradagh           5,120                         6,853                          485                                    616                                694
Causeway              7,187                         9,774                          599                                 1,418                             1,549
Coleraine               7,469                         8,080                           712                                 1,627                             1,315
Limavady               4,895                         5,862                           509                                    930                                972
The Glens              4,974                         6,958                           427                                    760                                899

Causeway Coast and Glens follows a similar pattern to that of Northern Ireland in that the highest percentage of residents are married (47.81% compared with the NI average of 45.59%).  The patterns are all higher than the NI average with the exception of Individuals in a civil partnership lens at 0.14% is slightly lower than the NI average of 0.18%.  


Staff breakdown by Marital Status       (Figures as at 21 October 2022)
Marital Status                             Number of staff
Unknown                                      60 (9.92%)
Married \ Civil Partnership          336 (55.54%)
Divorced                                       12 (1.98%)
Other                                            19 (3.14%)
Separated                                     12 (1.98%)
Single                                         164 (27.11%)
Widowed                                        2 (0.33%)
Total                                           605

The service is provided to all regardless of their marital status.  To date there is no evidence to show either a detriment or benefit to any specific group within this Section 75 category.

A consultation process will support the identification of any currently unknown impacts.



Sexual Orientation

The 2021 census for the first time included a question on sexual orientation.  

Sexual orientation
MS-C01: Census 2021                      CC&G Borough Council             Northern Ireland
Straight or heterosexual                      104,205 (91.28%)                 1,363,859 (90.04%)
Gay or lesbian                                            906 (0.79%)                        17,713 (1.17%)
Bisexual                                                      596 (0.52%)                        11,306 (0.75%)
Other sexual orientation                             135 (0.12%)                          2,597 (0.17%)
Prefer not to say                                      4,502 (3.94%)                        69,307 (4.58%)
Not stated                                                3,816 (3.34%)                        49,961 (3.30%)
All usual residents aged 16 and over          114,160                                 1,514,743

District Electoral Area   Straight or            Gay, lesbian, bisexual,     Prefer not to say/
2014 Label                  heterosexual        other sexual orientation     Not Stated

Ballymoney                    17,925                          217                              1,396
Bann                              12,929                         131                                  878
Benbradagh                   12,674                         171                                  923
Causeway                      18,595                         401                                1,531
Coleraine                       17,293                         386                                 1,525
Limavady                       11,906                          170                                1,092
The Glens                      12,882                         160                                    973

The service is provided to all regardless of sexual orientation.  To date there is no evidence to show either a detriment or benefit to any specific group within this Section 75 category.

A consultation process will support the identification of any currently unknown impacts.



Men and Women Generally Gender:  

(Census 2021 – Table MS-A07)  
                             CC&G Borough Council          Northern Ireland
Male                        69,848 (49.28%)                   936,132 (49.19%)
Female                    71,898 (50.72%)                  967,043 (50.81%)

Staff breakdown by Gender     (Figures as at 21 October 2022)

Gender                             Number of staff
Male                                  335 (55.38%)
Female                              270 (44.62%)
Total                                   605

The service is provided to all regardless of gender and help is provided upon request.  To date there is no evidence to show either a detriment or benefit to any specific group within this Section 75 category.

A consultation process will support the identification of any currently unknown impacts.


Part 2 of the Equality Screening Document